Ann Arbor T-shirt Company® Blog

  • Screen Printing in History: The Mona Lisa

    By: Shannon,

    over 13 years
    mona lisa wearing t-shirt

    Did you know that most art historians attribute Mona Lisa’s coy grin to the fact that she was originally depicted wearing a “Frankie Says Relax” t-shirt?


    Tags: #funny
  • Customer Feedback: "I'd Protect The Ann Arbor T-shirt Company in a Prison Shower"

    By: Shannon,

    almost 14 years

    A compliment from a satisfied client is one of the greatest feelings in the world. You know that you’ve earned your money, done some good, and can have a reasonable expectation of an enjoyable relationship in the future, to say nothing of future sales.


    Tags: #customer, #thanks, #funny
  • Screen Printing in History: American Gothic

    By: Shannon,

    almost 14 years
    american gothic with t-shirt

    Did you know that Iowa farmer Jeremiah Hewitt adamantly refused to be depicted without his Stone Cold Steve Austin t-shirt at his sitting for painter Grant Wood’s iconic AMERICAN GOTHIC?


    Tags: #funny
  • Two Rad Facts + SuperRad T-Shirt Facts

    By: Shannon,

    almost 14 years

    Rad Fact: Bull sharks, otherwise known as the shark most likely to attack humans, have been found as far as 2500 miles up freshwater rivers. One was found in the Mississippi River in the St. Louis harbor.

    SuperRad T-Shirt Fact: Bull sharks hate t-shirts. Scientists have never observed a single specimen wearing one, and it is speculated that a swimmer was attacked in Daytona Beach, FL in 1981 simply because he was wearing an ABBA t-shirt. It is also postulated that bull sharks, like the rest of nature, simply hate ABBA.


    Tags: #funny